The live broadcast of your meeting or event, with sound and video as it happens, is the surest way to communicate your message to a wider audience. For a professional and secure video stream, our live streaming experts at 5 Side Productions use the highest quality equipment and techniques, from single and multi-camera setups to custom graphics that effectively communicate your meaningful content and message and can take an event experience from satisfactory to sensational.


Advantages of our Live Stream Services

  • An ideal solution for events and meetings where your attendees or guests are not able to make it in person. Creating a virtual event experience allows those individuals who can’t make it, to still be able to engage and experience your event as if they were there in person. This service is ideal for corporate events, meetings, conferences and even weddings that prefer a Turnkey solution to the headache of an in-house solution.

  • The video stream can be hosted on a custom website that will give your brand it’s unique feel by way of a custom URL and custom page layout designed with your brand identity in mind .

  • We can also live stream to Facebook and or Youtube

  • If you’re holding a meeting which requires question submission from attendees, we can provide anonymous question submission created in an open and safe environment.